Want to reward, incentivise, and motivate people? Give your staff, clients, partners, and suppliers the gift of choice, and support local businesses at the same time.
The Irish Revenue’s Small Benefit Exemption Scheme allows you to gift your payrolled employees and directors up to five small non-cash benefits each year up to a value of €1,500, such as a Town & City Gift Card, free of PAYE income tax, USC and PRSI.
Save up to €1980.67 per employee, per year
By using the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme, you have the chance to provide tax-free bonuses to your team, saving up to €1980.67 per employee, per year, for the full €1,500 benefit, compared to paying this benefit through payroll.
25 employees €49,516
50 employees €99,033
100 employees €198,067
200 employees €396,134
of employees would prefer to receive a Gift Card from work to other incentives.
of employees say a Gift Card would boost their motivation at work.
of employees surveyed are keen to support local their businesses.
of employees would prefer to receive a Gift Card from work to other incentives.
of employees say a Gift Card would boost their motivation at work.
of employees surveyed are keen to support local their businesses.
You can reward the €1,500 in any value combination, such as five €300 Town & City Gift Cards, spaced throughout the year.
It runs to the calendar year. Unused allowance amounts cannot be carried over, so don’t miss out on rewarding your staff, tax free, this year.
If more than five benefits are given in a year, only the first five qualify for tax free status. The benefit cannot form part of a salary sacrifice arrangement.
Gift Cards can only be used to buy goods and services. Town & City Gift Cards are closed-loop, locking spend into Irish towns and cities.
Requirement by employers to notify Revenue of any Gift Cards given to employees on or before the benefit has been provided, either through ROS or a suitable payroll software package.